Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Everybody's got a song to sing(:

So, I have come to the conclusion that I am thoroughly obsessed with... lyrics? Yes. Lyrics. I really don't mind who is singing (unless it some disgusting sounding British guy... *cough*...NEWSBOYS!) I just love listening to the lyrics of songs and relating them to my life in the past, present, and/or future. Like, at the moment I am learning a song called "Tied Together With A Smile" by Taylor Swift.

Hold on, baby, you're losing it
The water's high, you're jumping into it
And letting go... and no one knows
That you cry, but you don't tell anyone
That you might not be the golden one
And you're tied together with a smile
But you're coming undone

A very well written song and one I can definitely relate to. But then the second verse,

I guess it's true that love was all you wanted
Cause you're giving it away like it's extra change
Hoping it will end up in his pocket
But he leaves you out like a penny in the rain
Oh, cause it's not his price to pay
Not his price to pay...

It makes me think of one of my friends... Looking for acceptance and love through guys that toss her around like a football.
And sometimes I can find that one song that tugs at my heart so much because I know if I could have thought of it, I would have written the same exact thing. You can find a very detailed story in any song if you just listen... I'm a listener (:

Well, just thought I would share (:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tacos, Cookies, Icing and Sprinkles! ... and a little bit of flour here and there.

It's been a long night. Went to Walmart, got supplies to make Christmas cookies, went to Taco Bell and ate... a taco. Then returned to my house out here in good ol' Deeeeecatur. I sat at my computer for about an hour learning a song for our spring choir concert coming up in a few months and at the same time listening to Taylor Swift. Yes, when it comes to music, I'm multi-talented (: For a while I thought I was going to bake cookies tomorrow. But, later on (9:45) I got a sudden burst of energy and began baking sugar cookies and dousing them in green icing and little green and red Christmas Tree sprinkles. After an hour of baking, my energy decreased and I brought my Christmas Cookie adventure to a halt. With 30 cookies made, a half a bag of dough still waiting to be "cookiefied" and yet another bag of dough waiting to be opened, it is very evident that I will most definitely be baking until very near Christmas Eve tomorrow. So, with flour on my cheeks, Taylor Swift continuing to blare through my speakers and a very impatient grandmother telling me to "wrap it up", I bid thee farewell and goodnight.

Merry day-before Christmas Eve!

"But he sends his love to the sinner"

All my life, it seems like I have been searching for something that I just can't quite put my finger on. Yeah, I have always believed in God... sending his son die for my sins, to be resurrected in 3 days and back into heaven until the rapture, when he comes back and takes us all to Heaven with him. But I have always had my doubts. When I was younger, I blamed God for giving me an abusive mother and putting me into a family with someone who would molest me. I thought if he let it happen then he couldn't be the "loving" God everyone said he was. Time went on and of course I learned otherwise. That God never puts us in a situation that we can't handle. And no problem is to big for God to fix. You know, Sunday school stuff.

But it seemed like, when it came to God "loving me"... I couldn't make myself believe it. My thoughts always went back to my mom coming at me with anger in her eyes, ready to strike, and I just couldn't imagine him loving me after I had been so bad as to deserve the punishment I received.

I don't know... I still haven't figured it out. Maybe in time...

Candy canes, food crumbs, and visions of sugar plums...

2 and a half days in counting until Christmas. I'm having mixed emotions, but it's still Christmas. And there are still gifts to be given, family to be seen and a feast to be had. (:

I made sure to express my opinion this year about doing Christmas "the right way". Last year, instead of continuing in our traditions, everyone just grabbed a present and... for lack of a better phrase, went at it. Ha ha. It was quite an event, I must say. Being the youngest of about 15 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildren following me with 2 more on the way, our family is far from small. So organization is key. Every year after lunch, one present at a time, youngest to oldest we each take our place on the fire place and open our gifts, one by one until the base of the tree is empty except for a small nativity scene and a white tree skirt. A time consuming feat, indeed. But without any organization, inevitably, a 10 dollar bill, a gift card, or some other small something or other is going to be destroyed or thrown away in all the hustle and bustle. So this year, things are going to be done the right way (:

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and hope that Christmas day is filled with family, friends, food, ORGANIZATION, and awesome gifts (I'm getting a new iPod(: ) but, through it all don't forget the true meaning of the season.
God bless all of you, and once again, Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas?

Have you ever had a time where something tragic happened, and it shocks you so much that you are sort of... numb to the world? Something that would normally seem like a huge event or occasion that you should be so excited about seems like a minor ordeal that you barely even take notice of? It's a weird feeling isn't it? Exactly 5 months ago December 8th , my grandpa passed away. Now, unless it's you that is being affected, or if you're one of those people that couldn't care less about your grandparents and they live a bazillion miles away, the death of your grandfather would phase you for a few weeks, but then most would view it as such a small change, you could go back to life as usual and consider it something you just have to "get used to"... like rearranging your room. But I was in a situation that some, but not most can relate to. My grandfather has been more like an actual father to me since I can remember. I didn't like staying at home, so I spent most of my time being his shadow. Needless to say I grew up a little country girl. Boots 'n britches, grease on one knee, dirt on the other. He taught me everything I had the patience to learn and in return, I continued to stand beside him, guessing that I was handing him the right thing when he asked for a Monkey Wrench or a set of Hose Cutters. And topped the day off with a kiss on his forehead and a big hug around his neck (which more often than not had to be accomplished by standing on one of the kitchen chairs).

He was one of those kind of people that had the answer to almost every question... and if he didn't have the answer, he would think about it until he found one that seemed logical enough to sound like he knew what he was talking about (: On many occasions I remember spouting out math problems from my "homework spot" at the kitchen table while he calculated the answer in his head. And he never ceased to finish it off with some shpeal about how math these days is so complicated compared to the math he did when "he was a boy". I can't lie to you... I could be a pain in the butt sometimes, but somehow, I found it comforting that even in my "typical teenager" moments, he loved me and was patient with me, right along with my nanny.

With Christmas quickly approaching, I can't help but think that I would give everything I have just to walk through the door and see him in his chair that has been empty for the past 5 months, tapping his foot to his favorite gospel music. To lean over and give him a kiss, and smell the smell of a hardworking, loving, grandpa that has signaturized him for so many years. To hug his neck, and hear him call me his baby doll. And to look into his eyes and see that man that has put us all far above himself in every situation, and has been to me, personally a hero.

But I know that this year, he has the greatest Christmas present of all. And I think I speak for my whole family when I say that this Christmas it'll be a lot easier to clear our minds from all the busyness of the holiday and thank God for what we have. Because you never REALLY know what you've got until it's gone.

Merry Christmas Grandpa.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


So, to be completely honest, life has been extremely rough these last few months. I mean, there are the inevitable things that come along with grieving since my grandpa died. But, I have noticed several (seemingly inevitable) changes. It seems like the things that I want the most, are the things that I can't have. No, I'm not talking about material things. I break myself down thinking about my family What could have been. I scare myself... Being easily reminded of my childhood by the smallest things. I stress myself out worrying about things that I know I should not worry about at my age. I can't seem to enjoy being a teenager. I go out with friends, but I'm easily distracted and taken back to my state of stress, confusion, and frustration. It really is embarrassing to just start crying in front of my friends, for no apparent reason. And it's so hard to find someone to talk to. Someone that's not to involved in my life, but someone I can trust. It's very complicated, and I'm just holding onto God for all the answers. And hoping that they come soon...

He Met Me At The Pole

So, I havent written a note OR Blogpost in a while.

Today, schools across the country gathered around their school flag pole for a time of worship, together as a student body. An event well known as "See You At The Pole".
Personally, I have been attending See You At The Pole since about 2nd grade. This year, God did something more, something greater than I have experienced in a school setting in a long time. While the humbling hearts and falling pride was well overdue, in a lot of ways, and for a lot of people it came at just the right time.

If you know me well enough you have most likely heard me tell this story, but this time it doesn't stop after camp.

This summer at youth camp, God called me into the ministry. More specifically, to be a worship leader. Now don't get me wrong, I love to sing and music is practically my life. But my confidence on stage is at a very low level. So it came as a surprise to me. After camp God really started working on my heart. From the more difficult things like changing the language I use, and how I communicate with others, to the simple things like following the "Golden Rule". It has been a constant struggle to stay above the stereotypes and critisizm, but I'm slowly but surely succeeding.

If you have a good relationship with God, you know that if he speaks something into your life or calls you to do something, conformation is in order. For me, it happened today... at the pole.
The event was mostly over and Most kids had gone back to their little groups to talk. I on the other hand was so overwhelmed by God and his mercy that I couldn't do anything but sit, cry and pray. After a few minutes of just me and God, I felt hands on my shoulders and turned to find another student. Her name was Emily. She is in one of my classes but we are more just aquantences than anything. She gave me a hug and nelt down beside me. The things she began to say were too God-sent to comprehend at the moment. I'm paraphrasing when I say this but it went something like "Karleigh, God has really laid some things on my heart to tell you. First of all, your beautiful. No matter what anyone says, Youre beatiful and you don't have to prove yourself to people anymore.
You have such a great spirit about you. I can see God through you inside and out. It relflects off of everything you do. (best part) You are going to be a leader. God has given you talents and you are going to use those for him."

I really do love when God encourages me. :) Like I say all the time. I am in awe of God's grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, and love.
Today, on the bus ride home, I had my iPod on shuffle and came across this song. To you it might seem cliche, but for me, it is just an example of my heart's cry and my humble prayer.

Sometimes I feel like I'm just existing
I'm not really living
I'm only watching the time slip away
I've forgotten who I am in you
I'm not who I'm meant to be
I'm drifting farther away from my destiny
Awaken my heart, awaken my soul
Awaken your power and take control
Awaken the passion to live for you, lord
Awaken me
My soul is longing, my heart is searching
I'm desperate for you to move
Give me a hunger, pull me closer
I'm crying out to you
Awaken my heart, awaken my soul
Awaken your power and take control
Awaken the passion to live for you, lord
Open my eyes so I can see your presence
Dwelling inside
Wake me up, cause I can't live another minute
if I'm not shining your light
Awaken my heart, awaken my soul
Awaken the passion in me
Lord, awaken me to live my destiny
Lord, awaken me and shine your light through me
Lord, awaken me to live my destiny
Lord, awaken me and shine your light through me

God loves you!!! Believe it!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Living Life In the Rain.

Lately, as my situations have been intensifying, my faith has been sliding, and my personality has been taken over by one not so happy, I can't help but wonder some things.

For one: I have been told my whole life that "God does everything for a reason". But why in the world would he put me through some of the things that happened?

Another thing: How come the ones closest to me get hurt? Even though I complain, I would much rather me suffer than them. Expecially a certain person, (you know who you are). She has been my sister, my friend, and practically my other half for about a year now. Some of the things that she has been through are unspeakable. Parts of our stories are quite similar, and it hurts me to know that so much bad is happening to the one that has done so much good for me. I love her like I have known her my whole life, and I know I am blessed to have her.

Sometimes I can't help but ask the famous question: "Why Me"? I just don't understand....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

*Insert clever title here*

I want to stand where the sun shines through.

Where love covers me like a blanket.

Safe and secure, there I will stay.

Right there where the sun shines through.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Labeled - By my big sister, :)

Labeling is so not fair
product placement everywhere
Advertisements by the lot
what I should be, what I'm not

Can't escape whats thrown at me
dodging pin ups left and right
What is noticed by the candle
is so very different in the light

Imperfections, no point in listing
sometimes mercy is completely missing
Society states I have not to thrive
but I disagree since HE is on my side

A major force to be reckoned with
is my savior at the helm
Leading the way where I know not
a narrow road to HIS realm

I have not physical beauty
nor whats described as supposed reality
Because this I see... and laugh
my destiny is not destined by the mass

I have taken up the family name
Following my father's biz
I suddenly don't mind the labels
because I've been labeled as his

-Charity Handy

Monday, April 20, 2009


Teens age 13-18: Enter the Rayne Tour Series’ “Live Like a Rock Star” Sweepstakes today! Grand Prize: $850 night on the town, including dinner for 6 and limo service. First 200 entrants get a free copy of Always Watching.
Go here to enter.

ALWAYS WATCHING – Rayne Tour Series book #1

This daughter of a rock star has it all—until murder crashes her world.

During a concert, sixteen-year-old Shaley O’Connor stumbles upon the body of a friend backstage. Is Tom Hutchens' death connected to her?

Frightening messages arrive. Paparazzi stalk Shaley. Her private nightmare is displayed for all to see. Where is God at times like this?

As the clock runs out, Shaley must find Tom's killer—before he strikes again...

Seatbelt Suspense® for young adults.

Watch the trailer
Read prologue and first chapter
Join The Rayne Tour Series fan club.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Faith is such a small word, with such infinite meaning.
confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.
belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.
belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion: the firm faith of the Pilgrims.
belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.: to be of the same faith with someone concerning honesty.
a system of religious belief: the Christian faith; the Jewish faith.
the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, etc.: Failure to appear would be breaking faith.
the observance of this obligation; fidelity to one's promise, oath, allegiance, etc.: He was the only one who proved his faith during our recent troubles.
Christian Theology. the trust in God and in His promises as made through Christ and the Scriptures by which humans are justified or saved.
In my very first blog post, I remember saying that "my faith was tested". And as much as I would love to tell you that I am perfectly fine now. That I'm living the dream life, I am no longer tempted or struggling to "keep my head above the water", I can't. That would be a bold faced lie. As a matter of fact, I might be struggling now more than I have my whole life. And to be completely honest, I haven't been turning to God for it all either. I have let my emotions get the best of me. I find myself thinking that my problems are too big for God to handle. That he couldn't fix them if he tried. Which is exactly the opposite of what I should be thinking. I should look at God as the mighty man he is. Knowing that my problems are important to him no matter how big or small, and he will do everything in his power to fix things.
1 Peter 5:7-9a,10 says:
Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in your faith. And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, support, strengthen, and establish you.

God tells us in his word not to be afraid. To keep steadfast in our faith because he is there, walking with us. Proctecting us, even when it feels like everything is going wrong.
I hope this post did for you what it did for me. I hope it causes you to check your heart. Are you letting the world heal you? Or with you have faith and let God heal you, in his time and his will?

God Bless

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Good Things

Okay, so very few people have heard this song. And when I say very few, I mean, Deidra Hughes, my friend Haley and my other friend Taylor and thats it!
I wrote this song about a week ago. It is kinda cheezy I know, but it came from my heart. I would really like to know what you think.

The love of a sister, the trust of a friend
The life in my dreams always had a happy end
The loss of a loved one
A good thing turned bad
Instead of thinkin' about what I have right now
I dream of what I could of had

It's always been an uphill battle
With secrets left unsaid
I said i couldn't take it any longer
Too many thoughts filled my weary head
You said that I could take it i could make it
That God could turn the wrong into right
It seem I have to fight for all the good things in my life

I'm not the same now
As I used to be
I learned that I can't always have what I dream
Don't dwell in the sorrow
And live for today
You know I'm so tired of feeling this way

OKay.. leave comments
God Bless

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Love deidra Huhges

...Sometimes your neighbor may not know what you've been going through
But you know what God's done for you...

-Deidra Hughes

Friday, March 13, 2009


If you like this blog, check out another one my friend Taylor and I are doing!

Safe: By Natalie Grant


How did you know
That I'm all alone today
Oh I feel so scared
And I want to go away
I bleed so deep underneath
My soul is screaming

I'm not gonna hideI'm not gonna run away
I'll uncover the scarsAnd show you every mistake
Your love has mended my blisters
And my bruising shame
Now I, I'm not ashamed.
Here with youI am safe

Drowning the tears
Won't make it go away
It's robbing my soul
I'm taking this mask off my face
To discover love
And uncover all
It means to live and breathe


You've uncovered and I've discovered
I am not afraid
But when we're hiding we're only fighting
To be sane


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Friend

First of all... I am so glad to have such great friends. God has sent some of the best into my life. But there is one person, who has been an illimitable blessing on my life.

Deidra Hughes is such a wonderful person, with so many great qualities. Besides being an amazing singer, she has a huge heart. She can encourage you in any situation. She takes the love of God wherever she goes, and shows it to whoever she talks to. She knows the right thing to say, even if it's just, "I'll pray for you". I can't imagine where I would be right now if it was not for her. She does so much behind the scenes. I consider myself extremely privileged to be her friend. God definitely put her in my life for a reason.

Deidra, when you read this, I want you to know that I love you, and I am so very thankful to have you in my life. You have taught me so many things, about my life, my relationship with God, and so much more. Words couldn't describe the impact you have made on my life. God bless you, Trent and the girls.


Monday, March 9, 2009




Life Hurts

...Oh Father, please, please hear my earnest plea.
Father, I am crying out on my bended knee.
I need Your peace that I can't understand.
Unto Thee I have stretched my hand.
Lord, life hurts sometimes.
-Candy Vaughn

Friday, March 6, 2009

Face To Face With Jesus

A woman arrived at heaven's gate and met Jesus face to face.
As he reviewed her life with her, she could see every event just as clearly as if it were happening right then and there.
Looking at a time in her life filled with sorrow, she asked him a question that had long been on her heart:
"Lord, look at my time of greatest trouble. I prayed and prayed but I heard no word from you.
I would have despaired had it not been for all the people who helped me:
the friends who listened and consoled, who brought me food and understanding,
who cried with me and stood by me, and my family who gave me a reason to go on living.
But why did you abandon me? Why didn't you help me?"
"My child," Jesus answered, "Why didn't you recognize me?"

When I say I am A Christian...

I unfortionately did not write this poem. But I though it was so great, and so truthful, I just had to share it with you.


When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I am saved"
I'm whispering "I was lost"
That is why I chose this way.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
And need someone to be my guide.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.I
'm professing that I'm weak
And pray for strength to carry on.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
And cannot ever pay the debt.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are all too visible,
But God believes I'm worth it.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartaches
Which is why I speak His name.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I do not wish to judge.
I have no authority.
I only know I'm loved.

I hope you find this true to yourself.
God Bless

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Okay, one thing you may not know about me: I have a crazy obsession with quotes. I have no clue why, but I could spend hours on end googleing "inspirational quotes", "funny quotes", etc. And every once in a while, I come up with my own. :) So as you could probably guess, I am about to show you some of those oh so rare, original quotes. :)
God never said that life would be easy. He never said that there wouldn't be pain.
He gave us a promising rainbow, but never said that there wouldn't be rain.
Sometimes, we can't see the silver lining. We have to have faith and trust that it's there.
Well, there ya' go! Leave your comments! :)
God Bless,
-Karleigh Norris

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Home Foundation

The first thing poeple ask me when I mention The Home Foundation is "what is it for?" So let me just get that one answered before you start going crazy trying to figure it out. :)

The Home Foundation is a non-profit charitable foundation dedicated to the eradication of human trafficking both domestically and abroad. Through advocacy, education and relief efforts, the Home Foundation is committed to end the suffering of women and children sold into sexual slavery.
* As many as 10 million people are victims of human trafficking.
* No country is immune from human trafficking. Each year, an estimated 600,000-800,000 men, women, and children are trafficked across international borders (some international and non-governmental organizations place the number far higher), and the trade is growing. This figure is in addition to a far larger yet indeterminate number of people trafficked within countries.
Victims are forced into prostitution, or to work in quarries and sweatshops, on farms, as domestics, as child soldiers, and in many forms of involuntary servitude.
* 80 percent of the victims trafficked across international borders are female and 70 percent of those females are trafficked for sexual exploitation.
* The International Organization for Migration estimates that each year 500,000 women are sold (trafficked) to local prostitution markets in Europe.
* Sex trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act is under the age of 18 years.
* Traffickers use psychological as well as physical coercion and bondage, and it defines coercion to include: threats of serious harm to or physical restraint against any person; any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause a person to believe that failure to perform an act would result in serious harm to or physical restraint against any person; or the abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process.
* Victims of sex trafficking can be women or men, girls or boys, but the majority are women and girls. There are a number of common patterns for luring victims into situations of sex trafficking, including:
- A promise of a good job in another country
- A false marriage proposal turned into a bondage situation
- Being sold into the sex trade by parents, husbands, boyfriends
- Being kidnapped by traffickers
* Sex traffickers frequently subject their victims to debt-bondage, an illegal practice in which the traffickers tell their victims that they owe money (often relating to the victims' living expenses and transport into the country) and that they must pledge their personal services to repay the debt.
* Sex traffickers use a variety of methods to "condition" their victims including starvation, confinement, beatings, physical abuse, rape, gang rape, threats of violence to the victims and the victims' families, forced drug use and the threat of shaming their victims by revealing their activities to their family and their families' friends.
It sounds horrible right? And as real as it is, there are still many that believe this is a joke. A way for young girls to get attention. And yet, we have proof:
** Asha was only nine when her father sold her to a procurer in a Bombay brothel. She was told she would have new clothes, and that she would be working for a nice family who lived in a big house. But where she was taken was a strange place. "Where's the pretty house?" Asha asked shyly. There was no pretty house; just a small, damp room with a cold hard floor that Asha was locked in.
A woman unlocked the door and came in to put makeup on Asha's face. The woman then opened the door and allowed in a man. Asha was told she would have to do sexual favors for him. She didn't want to, so she fought. Another man came in, beat her with a belt, and continued beating her for several days. They gave her no food. Weakened, Asha decided it was useless to resist. She serviced her first "client" and continued to do so for the next seven years. Until she met a man named Devaraj.
Devaraj was different than the other men she had known. She met him at a small church near Falkland Road. There he taught messages of hope that lifted her spirits. He talked of freedom. She visited there as often as she could.
Deveraj helped Asha leave the brothel that had been her home since she was a young girl and moved her into a "Home of Hope." Now she is learning how to live. She is learning a new trade. And thanks to people who care, Asha's life is no longer surrounded by pain and disappointment. It is full of hope and optimism for the future.
** Nagma was dying on the street with her two young daughters, Muskan, 5, and Anam, 2, sitting next to her and begging. Bombay Teen Challenge discovered that Nagma was a Commercial Sex Worker who had been thrown out of the brothel when she contracted AIDS. Her two young daughters were thrown out along with her.
Nagma was a Muslim orphan who had been tricked into marriage and was sold to a brothel. She had given birth to her two daughters while she was in the brothel. She was taken to a hospital and while there, she handed over both her children to Bombay Teen Challenge. Sadly, Nagma died within a few days of being admitted to the hospital.
Although Nagma's life came to a tragic end, God in his great mercy has spared the lives of her children from following a similar course. Muskan, the older girl, has tuberculosis and Anam is HIV-positive. At present they are being given the necessary medical treatment and are being sent to live at the recently established Jubilee Orphans home.
** Katya, with a two-year-old daughter and a failing marriage in the Czech Republic, followed the advice of a "friend" that she could make good money as a waitress in the Netherlands. A Czech trafficker drove her along with four other young women to Amsterdam where, joined by a Dutch trafficker, Katya was taken to a brothel. After saying "I will not do this," she was told, "Yes you will if you want your daughter back in the Czech Republic to live." After years of threats and forced prostitution Katya was rescued by a friendly cab driver. Katya is now working at a hospital and studying for a degree in social work.
** Tanya's story: "My friend organized for me to get a job in Egypt. We traveled together from Chisinau to Moscow where I got on a plane to Egypt. When I got to the airport in Egypt, I was paired with a man in order to walk through customs and immigration. People were waiting for me and they took me to a five-star hotel. I gave up my passport at the reception of the hotel and never saw it again. They put me in a car and we drove for a really long time. We went to a place where Bedouins are [Egypt's Sinai Peninsula] and those Bedouins took us through the desert. At one point, I heard gunshots and I think a girl was killed. They kill you or beat you if they don't like your attitude. We had to walk for hours and hours through the desert where there were landmines. They pointed out the mines to us in the sand. We hardly ate and I lost 10 lbs. by the time I got to Israel. When we got out of the desert, we were taken to a town in Israel, where the Bedouins arranged for us to be sold. Many girls were traveling with me, and all the girls going to Israel go through the same route and the same situation."
The Home Foundation was founded in 2005 by singer/songwriter Natalie Grant. After an episode of Law and Order awakened Natalie to the real-life, ongoing tragedy of Human Trafficking, she threw herself into a deeper research on the issue. What she found disturbed her so greatly, that Natalie knew she must do something to fight for these helpless victims - precious souls without a voice.
After learning that over 10 million children world-wide have been sold into sexual slavery, and inspired by her trip to the red-light district of Mumbai, India, Natalie Grant founded the HOME Foundation with one goal in mind: to help those who may not otherwise be helped. The Home Foundation has partnered with:
World VisionBombay Teen ChallengeInternational Justice MissionShared Hope InternationalNot For Sale CampaignJubilee Campaign
to educate communities, build shelters and orphanages, and provide medical equipment to those ministering to the victims of trafficking. Committed to education, The Home Foundation has started a program specifically designed for college students. This internship program will offer young adults the opportunity to spend several months with relief organizations fighting human trafficking. The Home Foundation firmly believes in raising up a generation of people committed to eradicating this most horrific brand of evil.
About the founder: Natalie Grant is a best-selling, critically-acclaimed singer/songwriter and is the 2006 Female Vocalist of the Year for the Gospel Music Association. She has committed her life and platform to fighting for the freedom of all who are forced into the commercial sex trade. For more information on Natalie, visit
So. Do you want to do something? Do you want to help these innocent people escape this life of torment and humiliation? YOU can make a difference!
Send a donation. Who cares how much it is? It could just be a dollar. Every penny counts.
Please send all correspondence and donations to the following address:
The Home FoundationP.O. Box 50165Nashville, TN 37205
Phone: 615-356-0946Fax: 615-356-0925
Make checks payable to: The Home Foundation
OR you can donate through Paypal.
For more information on The Home Foundation, you can visit:
God Bless
In his will

Friday, February 13, 2009

Ode to my Grandma's bible.

Okay, I had to write an ODE for my AP english class. I got an 95 on this, check it out and leave comments. :)

My past
My present
The key to my future
A gift so close to my heart
A book full of memories
A book full of wisdom and
Overflowing with feelings and emotion so palpable and unforgettable
Promises made and kept by a
Man as loyal as my best friend
A man who’s love shines bright as the sun
Worn out, old
Tattered and torn
But the words just as new as
They were in the beginning

Okay, i'll admit. Not my best work, but hey, it earned me a good grade. :) It'll do. Heehee

God Bless!
In his will

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Very first time I was published

Okay, so I wasn't really "published", I was just published in our town newspaper. I was ten years old when I wrote this. And the editor titled it:

God's Message is Love
Love is the binding of two. Life is the creation of many. To live is to save and that is our purpose, to send God's message to the faded hearts and souls of our lost country. So don't let hope slip away, for we shall be rewarded no matter the decision of the lost hearts. God knows the work we have done. Our reward will not be of material things, but knowing that we have pleased our Father and that we have a place in heaven, for nothing but God's abiding joy to enter. There will be no more sadness, no more pain. We will walk the golden streets with yet the only one who knew our future, the only one that will ever be there when you need him the most. So call upon his name, for the Lord Jesus Christ is the only person that can heal your broken heart, because he died upon the cross so we could be set free.
God bless
In his will

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This Is Me

I have struggled with weight all of my life. And if you are a human, you know that if someone is different, they are going to get picked on. So, my first years of school were full of kids yelling
"earthquake" when I walked down the hall, and others being dared to sit by me. Which all led to many tear-filled prayers, begging God to snap his fingers, sprinkle a little pixie dust on me and make me "skinny", like all of the other girls. Although I still struggle with people being, well, people, and every once in a while that depressing make-me-skinny-syndrome takes over, I have learned to look beyond the fact that not everyone is considerate to your feelings, and not everyone understands what i'm going through, and except myself the way I am. Because, God put me on this Earth for a reason, even if I haven't figured it out quite yet. Maybe i'll be able to witness to someone who is having a hard time with something I can relate with. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not saying that I am fat, because God made me fat. Because I'm not. Alot of this is my fault. But, God knew this was going to happen. And he will put someone, or something in my path that I will be able to help.

God bless!
In his will

Monday, January 5, 2009

Hey guys! So, right now it's really cold and snow/sleeting were I live, so we got out of school early! Yay! But I'll be honest, I don't really want to stay online all that much right now. But, only because my hands are becoming colder by the second. :) And it doesn't help that it's freezing in my grandparent's house. If I don't get off soon, I might suffer from frostbite! Well, maybe I'm over exaggerating a little. :) Anyways, you guys stay safe if there's snow and ice where you live. God Bless!
In his will

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The best Christmas present ever!

So, this Christmas was the first Christmas that I have spent without my grandma. She died of Leukemia in March. But, despite the circumstances, we tried to make it just as normal as any other Christmas. We went to my paw paw's house, like we do every year, only to find out that he had a surprise for me... he gave me my grandma's bible! Which brings me to my point. Today, while I was sitting in an extremely small, crowded, hospital room watching my mother get poked and prodded by needles. (I'll explain later). I opened my bible, and prayed the prayer I pray before I ever begin to read and study:"God, show me what you want me to read, help me to understand it, and use it." After flipping through pages, I came across a little note that my grandma had written, it said, "Praise God before the answer comes". I took some time to soak that in. "Praise God before the answer comes"? Why? How? What is there to praise God for, if he hasn't even answered my prayer? But, after thinking about it a bit longer, I realized, it's talking about the one thing I have struggled with since I was about 7 years old. TRUST. Trusting in God that he will answer your prayers before they are answers. Claiming his protection, his healing, his anything, and believing it's going to happen.

Well, I guess, that's all I can say for right now... :)
God bless!

In his will


About Me: Karleigh Norris

As you have probably already figured out: My name is Karleigh Norris. I am 13, and I live in Texas. I am, as some people call me, a ''blooming writer''. I have been published in my town newspaper, and I currently write a column for our school newspaper. I am an extremely proud Jesus freak, which, kinda' explains the title of my blog: What It Means To Be Held. The title comes from the song 'Held', by christian singer/songwriter, Natalie Grant, who also happens to be my favorite singer! :) I am hopefully going to post some of my writing in the near future, but for right now, I'll just have to keep telling you a little more about myself. :) I am, for the most part, "normal". Excluding the fact that I am, as it is said, a "brunette blond". But I am human, and I have my moments. Don't we all? On a more serious note: I hope to not only use this blog to promote my writing, but to also witness to those of you who haven't experienced the love of God in your lives. It is truly amazing to know that even in the worst of times, there is always someone picking up the broken pieces, and working things out for the better. I unfortunately have had to find that out, well, I guess, for lack of a better word, the hard way. 2008 has brought me some of the hardest experiences I could probably ever face, but my God has brought me through it all. When someone tells you that "God does everything for a reason", they are telling the truth. I have had some rough experiences, and alot of times, my faith was tested, but it has all made my relationship with God that much better. It may not have been a very successful year physically, but spiritually, I have come a long way. With the help of friends and family of course. And I am praying that 2009 will be ''the rainbow after the storm''.
God bless, and I hope you have a wonderful 2009!
In his will
