Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tacos, Cookies, Icing and Sprinkles! ... and a little bit of flour here and there.

It's been a long night. Went to Walmart, got supplies to make Christmas cookies, went to Taco Bell and ate... a taco. Then returned to my house out here in good ol' Deeeeecatur. I sat at my computer for about an hour learning a song for our spring choir concert coming up in a few months and at the same time listening to Taylor Swift. Yes, when it comes to music, I'm multi-talented (: For a while I thought I was going to bake cookies tomorrow. But, later on (9:45) I got a sudden burst of energy and began baking sugar cookies and dousing them in green icing and little green and red Christmas Tree sprinkles. After an hour of baking, my energy decreased and I brought my Christmas Cookie adventure to a halt. With 30 cookies made, a half a bag of dough still waiting to be "cookiefied" and yet another bag of dough waiting to be opened, it is very evident that I will most definitely be baking until very near Christmas Eve tomorrow. So, with flour on my cheeks, Taylor Swift continuing to blare through my speakers and a very impatient grandmother telling me to "wrap it up", I bid thee farewell and goodnight.

Merry day-before Christmas Eve!

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