Saturday, January 3, 2009

The best Christmas present ever!

So, this Christmas was the first Christmas that I have spent without my grandma. She died of Leukemia in March. But, despite the circumstances, we tried to make it just as normal as any other Christmas. We went to my paw paw's house, like we do every year, only to find out that he had a surprise for me... he gave me my grandma's bible! Which brings me to my point. Today, while I was sitting in an extremely small, crowded, hospital room watching my mother get poked and prodded by needles. (I'll explain later). I opened my bible, and prayed the prayer I pray before I ever begin to read and study:"God, show me what you want me to read, help me to understand it, and use it." After flipping through pages, I came across a little note that my grandma had written, it said, "Praise God before the answer comes". I took some time to soak that in. "Praise God before the answer comes"? Why? How? What is there to praise God for, if he hasn't even answered my prayer? But, after thinking about it a bit longer, I realized, it's talking about the one thing I have struggled with since I was about 7 years old. TRUST. Trusting in God that he will answer your prayers before they are answers. Claiming his protection, his healing, his anything, and believing it's going to happen.

Well, I guess, that's all I can say for right now... :)
God bless!

In his will


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