Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This Is Me

I have struggled with weight all of my life. And if you are a human, you know that if someone is different, they are going to get picked on. So, my first years of school were full of kids yelling
"earthquake" when I walked down the hall, and others being dared to sit by me. Which all led to many tear-filled prayers, begging God to snap his fingers, sprinkle a little pixie dust on me and make me "skinny", like all of the other girls. Although I still struggle with people being, well, people, and every once in a while that depressing make-me-skinny-syndrome takes over, I have learned to look beyond the fact that not everyone is considerate to your feelings, and not everyone understands what i'm going through, and except myself the way I am. Because, God put me on this Earth for a reason, even if I haven't figured it out quite yet. Maybe i'll be able to witness to someone who is having a hard time with something I can relate with. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not saying that I am fat, because God made me fat. Because I'm not. Alot of this is my fault. But, God knew this was going to happen. And he will put someone, or something in my path that I will be able to help.

God bless!
In his will

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Kids can be terrible. But it's really cool that you found a way to look at it positively and use your experience to help others. Thumbs up to you and keep up the good work!!