Saturday, January 3, 2009

About Me: Karleigh Norris

As you have probably already figured out: My name is Karleigh Norris. I am 13, and I live in Texas. I am, as some people call me, a ''blooming writer''. I have been published in my town newspaper, and I currently write a column for our school newspaper. I am an extremely proud Jesus freak, which, kinda' explains the title of my blog: What It Means To Be Held. The title comes from the song 'Held', by christian singer/songwriter, Natalie Grant, who also happens to be my favorite singer! :) I am hopefully going to post some of my writing in the near future, but for right now, I'll just have to keep telling you a little more about myself. :) I am, for the most part, "normal". Excluding the fact that I am, as it is said, a "brunette blond". But I am human, and I have my moments. Don't we all? On a more serious note: I hope to not only use this blog to promote my writing, but to also witness to those of you who haven't experienced the love of God in your lives. It is truly amazing to know that even in the worst of times, there is always someone picking up the broken pieces, and working things out for the better. I unfortunately have had to find that out, well, I guess, for lack of a better word, the hard way. 2008 has brought me some of the hardest experiences I could probably ever face, but my God has brought me through it all. When someone tells you that "God does everything for a reason", they are telling the truth. I have had some rough experiences, and alot of times, my faith was tested, but it has all made my relationship with God that much better. It may not have been a very successful year physically, but spiritually, I have come a long way. With the help of friends and family of course. And I am praying that 2009 will be ''the rainbow after the storm''.
God bless, and I hope you have a wonderful 2009!
In his will



Anonymous said...

Hey K! You're not the only one that knows how to make a blog-Lol. Go to-

I'm saving this Blogspot in my favorites! [*Gasps*]

J-me said...

I wanted to read the first one first so I did. I think I will be reading the rest as well. Of course It'll be a while due to lack of time. :)