Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Very first time I was published

Okay, so I wasn't really "published", I was just published in our town newspaper. I was ten years old when I wrote this. And the editor titled it:

God's Message is Love
Love is the binding of two. Life is the creation of many. To live is to save and that is our purpose, to send God's message to the faded hearts and souls of our lost country. So don't let hope slip away, for we shall be rewarded no matter the decision of the lost hearts. God knows the work we have done. Our reward will not be of material things, but knowing that we have pleased our Father and that we have a place in heaven, for nothing but God's abiding joy to enter. There will be no more sadness, no more pain. We will walk the golden streets with yet the only one who knew our future, the only one that will ever be there when you need him the most. So call upon his name, for the Lord Jesus Christ is the only person that can heal your broken heart, because he died upon the cross so we could be set free.
God bless
In his will

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This Is Me

I have struggled with weight all of my life. And if you are a human, you know that if someone is different, they are going to get picked on. So, my first years of school were full of kids yelling
"earthquake" when I walked down the hall, and others being dared to sit by me. Which all led to many tear-filled prayers, begging God to snap his fingers, sprinkle a little pixie dust on me and make me "skinny", like all of the other girls. Although I still struggle with people being, well, people, and every once in a while that depressing make-me-skinny-syndrome takes over, I have learned to look beyond the fact that not everyone is considerate to your feelings, and not everyone understands what i'm going through, and except myself the way I am. Because, God put me on this Earth for a reason, even if I haven't figured it out quite yet. Maybe i'll be able to witness to someone who is having a hard time with something I can relate with. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not saying that I am fat, because God made me fat. Because I'm not. Alot of this is my fault. But, God knew this was going to happen. And he will put someone, or something in my path that I will be able to help.

God bless!
In his will

Monday, January 5, 2009

Hey guys! So, right now it's really cold and snow/sleeting were I live, so we got out of school early! Yay! But I'll be honest, I don't really want to stay online all that much right now. But, only because my hands are becoming colder by the second. :) And it doesn't help that it's freezing in my grandparent's house. If I don't get off soon, I might suffer from frostbite! Well, maybe I'm over exaggerating a little. :) Anyways, you guys stay safe if there's snow and ice where you live. God Bless!
In his will

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The best Christmas present ever!

So, this Christmas was the first Christmas that I have spent without my grandma. She died of Leukemia in March. But, despite the circumstances, we tried to make it just as normal as any other Christmas. We went to my paw paw's house, like we do every year, only to find out that he had a surprise for me... he gave me my grandma's bible! Which brings me to my point. Today, while I was sitting in an extremely small, crowded, hospital room watching my mother get poked and prodded by needles. (I'll explain later). I opened my bible, and prayed the prayer I pray before I ever begin to read and study:"God, show me what you want me to read, help me to understand it, and use it." After flipping through pages, I came across a little note that my grandma had written, it said, "Praise God before the answer comes". I took some time to soak that in. "Praise God before the answer comes"? Why? How? What is there to praise God for, if he hasn't even answered my prayer? But, after thinking about it a bit longer, I realized, it's talking about the one thing I have struggled with since I was about 7 years old. TRUST. Trusting in God that he will answer your prayers before they are answers. Claiming his protection, his healing, his anything, and believing it's going to happen.

Well, I guess, that's all I can say for right now... :)
God bless!

In his will


About Me: Karleigh Norris

As you have probably already figured out: My name is Karleigh Norris. I am 13, and I live in Texas. I am, as some people call me, a ''blooming writer''. I have been published in my town newspaper, and I currently write a column for our school newspaper. I am an extremely proud Jesus freak, which, kinda' explains the title of my blog: What It Means To Be Held. The title comes from the song 'Held', by christian singer/songwriter, Natalie Grant, who also happens to be my favorite singer! :) I am hopefully going to post some of my writing in the near future, but for right now, I'll just have to keep telling you a little more about myself. :) I am, for the most part, "normal". Excluding the fact that I am, as it is said, a "brunette blond". But I am human, and I have my moments. Don't we all? On a more serious note: I hope to not only use this blog to promote my writing, but to also witness to those of you who haven't experienced the love of God in your lives. It is truly amazing to know that even in the worst of times, there is always someone picking up the broken pieces, and working things out for the better. I unfortunately have had to find that out, well, I guess, for lack of a better word, the hard way. 2008 has brought me some of the hardest experiences I could probably ever face, but my God has brought me through it all. When someone tells you that "God does everything for a reason", they are telling the truth. I have had some rough experiences, and alot of times, my faith was tested, but it has all made my relationship with God that much better. It may not have been a very successful year physically, but spiritually, I have come a long way. With the help of friends and family of course. And I am praying that 2009 will be ''the rainbow after the storm''.
God bless, and I hope you have a wonderful 2009!
In his will
